Archive for the ‘Green Revolution’ Category


   Moharram is not a month to grieve only but it’s the voice of HUSSAIN A.S against tyrants. It’s a voice that raises for those who oppressed by tyranny. When HUSSAIN A.S along with his whole family  (Ahl al-Bayt)  marched towards Koofah just for the sake of those who brutalized by YAZEED.

         In his way to Koofah he was stopped by the army of YAZEED at KARBALA. Those who left their everything for oppressed; martyred by yazeed’s army. No one left alive not even 6 months old ALI ASGHAR A.S , except some sadaat karam including SAYYEDA ZAINAB A.S and SAYYEDA SUKAYENA A.S. These honorable sadaat karam sacrificed their blood-relations for oppressed,but victims of yazeed’s brutality never awaken and ignored the voice that raised for them.

         Today when people of PAKISTAN victimize by the brutality of corrupt and dishonest rulers,so its the obligation of each one of us to help with sacrificing  our everything against oppression  just like HUSSAIN A.S did, but here one question hits my mind, months ago a man named Tahir ul Qadri left his home, people joined him, they struggled a lot even  sacrificed  their lives for this nation, but same thing happened with them as happened in Karbala back then. NO ONE AWAKE ,NO ONE JOINED THEM and here I also left all of you with one question,  ‘why oppressed never takes part in uprising?’